Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thyroxine Medication Thyroxine Medication Long Term?

Thyroxine medication long term? - thyroxine medication

What are the long-term problems with thyroxine, if at all?


xs.essex said...

No condition that the dose was through a blood test every few years mine (is reviewed annually).

It only replaces a hormone that the body does not.

The problems arise from, not imposed on the thyroxine.

Carole B said...

I am thyroxine for about 5 years - and I can honestly say I have not had any negative side effects as well. Before, I was tired all the time and could not stand the heat, and was likely to gain weight easily. But since I'm on thyroxine things were much better for me.

Theresa P said...

is smoothly as the dose of new needs and you know when you feel like you have been diagnosed before, so tired

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