Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ceramic Flower Making What Type Of Flower Do You Think Resembles That On Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, And Venusaur?

What type of flower do you think resembles that on Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur? - ceramic flower making

I know it sounds like a very stupid question, but comes with a legitimate explanation. I am a student of advanced ceramics in high school. Recently I started a flower pot Bulbasaur. Yes, Pokemon. It is a replica of the pokemon itself, but the bullet in the back out to show a belly "hollow" Pokémon, also the pot.

Therefore, I need advice, which are similar to plant it in the real pokemon. I am not botonist. :) Thank you in advance for the thoughtful responses. This plant is for someone very special for me.

1 comment:

ralf said...

It is a stupid question at all. Since I do not know what Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, and it seemed he had an image search. And it will do for small producers and indoor plants need to appear like the backs of characters.
Bulbasaur, cactus or a few hens and chicks or ssp.
http://gardenbeautiful.files.wordpress.c ...
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co ...
Ivysaur may seem Ivy Ivy Houseplant grapes .. The flower resembles a tulip, a tulip to grow, but not that short. You need a plastic TLIP purchase and add it with ivy.
http://www.plantcare.com/oldSite/httpdoc ...
Venusaur, African violets that are good for that.
http://www.flowersgrowing.com/wp-content ...
http://www.silkplantsusa.com/African% 20V ...

Good luck to help you in your art project and I hope so.

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