Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bladder Ulcers Do I Switch To Lite Or Skim Milk If I Have A Gall Bladder Issue?

Do I switch to lite or skim milk if I have a gall bladder issue? - bladder ulcers

I had symptoms of gallbladder problems, including a loss of 20 kg accidentally attempt during the last years, without even to. I'm seeing is due to a edoscopy at the end of the year to see if it can be an ulcer, but more and my problems seem to be in the direction of the gallbladder.

It has been suggested that reducing the fat in my diet, I will go, Milk or Lite is that it is too big?


izzy said...

If your doctor has advised you to follow instructions. If it causes great pain when you eat, even a small amount of fat, which prevents any way.
This is the fat, the original issue (either stones or infections, polyps, independent) causes, but a diet rich in fat can lead to pain.
Everyone needs some fat in our diet - it flew over the low-fat cheeses like cottage cheese, or a very small amount of the tastiest with a good piece of bread.
Absolutely no fat you eat very hungry to leave.

PICA said...

1% less milk fat, so I want to be on the milk fat reduction with the taste of soy milk SILK I say havent tried, but that's what I heard fortune

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