Sunday, January 3, 2010

Liver Cancer And Stroke Am I Going To Die Soon?!?

Am I going to die soon?!? - liver cancer and stroke

I'm 21, but I was drunk 2-4 times per week for 5 years ... I smoked weed everyday for 3 years and have resorted to harder drugs (mainly cocaine and ecstasy) once a week for 3 years ... I have a family history of liver cancer and liver failure, stroke and heart attack ... My childhood was very difficult, but now I'm finally starting to get help from a psychologist ... A part of me wants to go to rehab, but another part will say: "The damage is there, it is useless to stop it." or "I will stop in a few years after I left school, they are my college years, and I want to party."

How much damage I have my body? I probably have liver cancer?

I'm going to get to college and good grades ...


sunshine... said...

Ok .. You know that your body is hurting, your family medical history for the site ... Any time you can stop doing something abuptly have a negative impact. I would like to see a doctor and tell them what they have done ..

Please stop hurting yourself. Everything is toxic in your body is not bad, just within but also outside of our ... You do not see if their 50 thirties! Keep it natural man .. Def quit hard drugs .. they are useless ..
Alcohol in moderation is okay .. and like a pot .. Well ... do not smoke much and are planning to leave everything later ...

Do not ruin your life with temporary pleasures .. The very attractive .. but finally kick your ***...

Flying Turkey said...

Well, part of the problem is the general feeling convicted. You're not lost, and it has caused damage to your body, but they are so young and have too much to go and live, you know it or not! It's great to know that you are in school and good.

With respect to liver cancer, the more likely to lead to cirrhosis of liver cancer, before ..... both are as bad as I am not sure which is worse. The reality of the situation is that draws the devil by the situation of drugs and alcohol! Cut the people in your life who continue to feed her addiction, even if you will be transferred to schools, a good program that is not 'geeks tend to' bull shit to do so. Make no more excuses, no excuse to be in ruins these things, once you have this addiction excuses about the disease put on your own. Take your power and realize that it is only 21 years, and is still something of himself! It's good to see a psychologistSexually transmitted diseases, but you really need help around the clock treatment in a rehab clinic to kick the addiction to the curb. Believe me, I will not reach bottom, even if some say you need! You can guarantee your reality! Imagine, you could end up with kids as they want, and believe me not want their children go through them!

So I understand it, and check for yourself! Ya, I hurt you, and knowing that there is a history of illness in the family, now is the time to stop and prevent a statistical genetics and drug addicts! When you realize it or not, about the effects of addiction on all around you, and it is very selfish / self-centered deal, so with her and went off the road!

gordon33... said...

Please let her suffer in later life ,,,,,, when you get the liver and kidneys to survive so far not one to old age,,,, please stop now,,,

Angry-Ha... said...

Please visit

If you heard of Pranayam, of course, it would not .!!!! is a breathing technique that every illness at any time if you can cure follow the instructions. "

And very soon ..!!!

Please try ..!!! His only chance to be yourself healthy. "

Henry Lucas said...

They were "Getting Away with it because you're young. If you are the abuse of drugs and alcohol continue, likely to be severely ill in the future.

If you drink 2 to 4 times per week, how can you function in school?

The college is the time to study, not party. Do not waste your time. You have to prepare your entire future. Not blowing you.

Stop the abuse and get help immediately.

Kayjay said...

Well, I'm surprised it does not already lying in a hospital bed. Slow down there ... I think, but we should definitely talk to your doctor and get checked.

DoubleJ 519 said...

No need to say, those who do not seek for themselves. But the good thing is that they are still young. You can change your habits, and I hope that the right decision for you.

Can, but you want to change before it is too late.

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